Butler Animal Clinic, Services (2024)

Your pet is an important part of your family, and when he or she is ill, you want the best medical care available.

The veterinarians and staff at our clinic are ready to provide your pet with cutting edge veterinary medical care. From wellness exams and vaccines to advanced diagnostics and complex surgical procedures, your dog or cat will receive high quality care at our hospital.

  1. Bathing
  2. Blood Transfusions
  3. Boarding
  4. Dental Care
  5. Ear Cleaning
  6. Emergency and Critical Care
  7. Fully Stocked Pharmacy
  8. Microchipping
  9. Nutritional Counseling
  10. Parasite Prevention and Control
  11. Puppy and Kitten Care
  12. Radiology (X-Rays)
  13. Senior Care
  14. Surgery
  15. Vaccinations
  16. Wellness Exams


\n\tTreat your pet to a luxurious bath. Our special, cleansing baths remove dirt, debris and that doggie (or kitty) pet odor – your pet will feel fresh and revitalized. If scratching is a problem, our medicated baths contain soothing agents that stop the itching. Services also include nail trim.


Butler Animal Clinic, Services (1)Your pet’s behavior affects every interaction you have with him or her on a daily basis. Behavior dictates everything from meal time, to exercise time, to downtime such as relaxing on the couch with other family members. When a pet has a behavior problem, the consequences are far-reaching. Behavior problems threaten the bond you have with your pet by damaging the loving relationship that should exist between you. In extreme situations, a serious behavior problem can lead to euthanasia or surrendering a pet to a shelter.

Pets can have a wide variety of behavioral issues, from simple housetraining problems to severe anxiety and aggression issues. We are well qualified and experienced in diagnosing and addressing behavior problems with an approach that combines skills from veterinary clinical medicine, behavioral medicine, and pet training. Our goals are to help pets and their owners live together comfortably and safely, and to help restore the bond between pets and their families.

Dealing with behavior problems can be frustrating for pet owners. Some pet owners may even blame themselves because their pet seems to have an emotional issue. Although behavior problems can result from emotional trauma or physical mistreatment, in many cases the problem can arise from simple misunderstandings or learned associations that were inadvertently established during training. In addition, several medical conditions can manifest in ways that mimic behavior problems. Scheduling an evaluation with a professional skilled in diagnosing and managing behavioral issues in pets is the first step on the road to resolving the problem.

Before you and your pet suffer through one more day of inappropriate behavior, call us. Let’s talk about how we can help.


Butler Animal Clinic, Services (2)Those who share their lives with pet birds know these charming animals make great companions. Not only are many birds covered with beautiful colors, but their songs make a home come alive and their “human-like” voices and antics can amuse people for hours. In addition, many pet birds can live for over 50 years, providing decades of joy for those who choose these wonderful pets.

Like other kinds of pets, birds have unique needs. Many bird owners may need help understanding how to provide their birds with proper nutrition, training, hygiene, and grooming and how to facilitate social interactions with other pets and family members. Birds can develop many of the same medical conditions that dogs and cats develop as well as a variety of illnesses unique to birds. However, birds are well known for being able to hide signs of illness, which adds to the challenge of diagnosing their medical problems.

Regular wellness visits are an important way to help ensure the overall health and longevity of pet birds. Wellness visits offer you an opportunity to ask us any questions about your bird and give us a chance to examine your bird for signs of health issues. We may also recommend wellness screening tests to help us assess your bird’s health.

Pet birds bring a special type of joy to a home, and we consider it our duty to provide quality medical care to them. The services that our avian veterinarians provide are designed to address the full range your bird's needs. Our team is dedicated to helping birds live longer, healthier lives, so call today to schedule an appointment for your pet bird!


Butler Animal Clinic, Services (3)Blood transfusion (including transfusion of blood products, like plasma) is a critically important service that can mean the difference between life and death for veterinary patients. In our continuing efforts to offer the highest quality medicine to all of our patients, we are pleased to offer blood transfusion services supervised by our expert health care team.

Blood transfusions have many uses and can be critical, lifesaving procedures. Blood loss that occurs suddenly due to trauma may require an emergency transfusion to save a patient’s life. However, not all blood transfusion situations are related to injury. Cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, surgical patients, pets with advanced kidney or liver disease, cats with feline leukemia, and pets with bleeding or clotting disorders are some examples of other patients that may require transfusion with blood or blood products.

Administering a transfusion safely requires a highly skilled and experienced staff. Fortunately, our health care team is experienced in all aspects of transfusion medicine, including safe harvesting of blood from donor animals, crossmatching blood types, selecting the appropriate blood product for a patient, monitoring for complications such as transfusion reactions, and continuing to provide expert critical care to patients during and after transfusion.

Our transfusion service allows us to provide blood and blood products for veterinary patients’ medical, surgical, or emergency needs. All blood is carefully screened for safety, handled carefully to help ensure delivery of healthy cells, and administered by experienced professionals. Our staff has been extensively trained and will handle your pet with care and compassion.


Butler Animal Clinic, Services (4)Butler Animal Clinic, Services (5)Are you planning a vacation? Need to go out of town on business? Are you concerned that you won’t be able to find someone trustworthy to care for your pet while you’re away? If you need to travel and can’t take your pet along, why not plan to have your best friend stay with us? Traveling can cause enough stress and anxiety – you don’t want to worry about whether your pet is being well cared for. We offer a convenient solution by providing boarding in our safe, clean, and comfortable environment.


\n\tOur professional and friendly staff takes great care of our pet guests. We understand that each pet is unique, and we will make every effort to ensure that your pet is safe, happy, and healthy during his or her stay with us. We’ll treat your pet with compassion and care, and we’ll provide individualized tender loving care until you return!


\n\tDoes your pet have special needs, health issues, medication, or a special diet? Do you have special requests? Would you like to tour our facility? We understand that your pet has a special place in your family and that leaving your pet with someone while you travel can be a source of anxiety and uncertainty. We take great pride in our attention to cleanliness and in providing the highest quality care to each pet that stays with us.


\n\tWe welcome your questions about our boarding facilities and policies and are eager to discuss how we can make your pet’s stay as happy as possible, while alleviating any stress you may be feeling about leaving your pet while you travel. Let us answer all your questions and put your concerns to rest! Call today to learn about our accommodations and boarding policies, or to schedule your pet’s stay.

\n\nSunday boarding pick up is at 5pm-5:15pm"]},{"id":"48cfe5a5-7167-11e1-a21c-12313b0b0ee8","content":["

Although humans and animals are different in many ways, some advances in human medicine have also become very useful for veterinary patients. One of these advances—computed tomography (CT; formerly called CAT scanning)—has proven to be a powerful diagnostic tool in veterinary medicine. As a practice, one of our key goals is to offer state-of-the-art medicine and diagnostic testing; so we are pleased to offer CT as a means of providing a higher level of quality care for our patients.

CT uses X-ray technology and sophisticated computers to create images of cross-sectional “slices” through the body. By examining these sections, we can evaluate small details inside the body. CT can help diagnose a variety of medical conditions in pets, including brain injuries, spinal cord problems, and bone injuries. CT is also very useful for diagnosing nasal or sinus tumors and infections.

Veterinary patients undergoing CT must be placed under general anesthesia or sedation; however, each pet is carefully monitored during and after the procedure to ensure a safe and complete recovery.

CT has been safely used in human diagnostic medicine for many years. In veterinary medicine, CT is an important tool that can help us make a correct diagnosis for your pet. Our CT service is staffed by caring, skilled professionals who will provide state-of-the-art care with compassion and expertise.

As we strive to provide our patients with the highest quality medicine and diagnostic testing, we are pleased to offer CT as one of our diagnostic capabilities.


Butler Animal Clinic, Services (6)\n\n

Does your best friend have bad breath? Despite what\nmany pet owners may believe, “dog breath” is not just a nuisance – it’s a sign\nof an unhealthy mouth. Bad breath is caused by bacteria. Over time, bacteria\nlead to plaque and tartar buildup on your pet’s teeth. The result is bad breath,\nreddened gums, and other common signs of dental disease. As dental disease\nprogresses, other signs can include drooling, discomfort while chewing, and\nloose or missing teeth. Even if you’re using treats and chews to help control\ntartar, these are frequently not enough to keep dental disease in check. Ask us\nabout the best ways to control plaque and help protect your pet from dental\ndisease.


Dental hygiene is an important part of your pet's\nhealth, because dental disease can be associated with other serious health\nproblems such as heart disease and kidney disease. But how do you know if your\npet has a healthy mouth? Let us examine your pet’s teeth and gums to help\ndetermine if there are any dental issues you should know about. After a brief\nvisual examination, we may recommend a more detailed examination (which\nrequires sedation), a dental cleaning, or options for at-home dental care.


Even if you think your pet’s teeth and gums are\nfine, we can offer expert advice to help you keep them that way! Dental health\nshouldn’t be taken for granted. Fortunately, many dental problems can be\nmanaged through at-home care and by bringing your pet to us for regular dental checkups\nand teeth cleanings.


We want your pet to live a long, healthy life, and\nwe understand that maintaining a healthy mouth is part of that. Your pet’s\nhealth is important to us, so let us help you with this commitment. Call today\nto discuss your pet’s dental care needs and how we can\nhelp!


"]},{"id":"48cfe5a7-7167-11e1-a21c-12313b0b0ee8","content":["We offer ear cleaning for both dogs and cats.

Butler Animal Clinic, Services (7)Emergencies, accidents, and illnesses are unfortunate facts of life, but how many of us plan for the unthinkable before it happens? What would you do if your pet were suddenly sick or injured? Do you have a plan? Do you know where to go for help if your pet needed critical care or had to be hospitalized?

We understand how upsetting it is when your pet is sick or injured. We also know that when your pet is hospitalized and needs critical care services, you want the very best level of care possible. For these reasons, we offer emergency and critical care veterinary medical services. Our expert health care team is staffed with caring, compassionate, highly skilled professionals who are dedicated to providing quality care for your pet.

Your pet is a special member of your family and provides you with companionship, entertainment, and unconditional love. But your pet relies on you for daily needs such as food, shelter, and safety and to take care of things when they go wrong. Our expert emergency and critical care professionals will be there for you when you need us. Our veterinarians and technical support staff are on premises working as a team with expertise to respond to emergency calls and critical care situations. Rest assured, if you ever have an emergency with your pet, there is quality veterinary help nearby.

Help is only a phone call away. Keep our phone number with your other emergency numbers, and call us any time.


Although humans and animals are different in many ways, some advances in human medicine are also very useful in veterinary patients. One of these advances, endoscopy, has proven to be a powerful diagnostic and therapeutic tool in veterinary medicine. As a practice, we consider it a goal to offer state-of-the-art medicine and diagnostic testing; so we are proud to offer endoscopy as a means of providing a higher level of quality care to our patients.

A fiberoptic endoscope is a long, narrow tube with a tiny camera at the tip. An endoscope can be rigid or very flexible, depending on what procedure it is used for. It can also be sterilized so that it can safely be inserted into the body. Endoscopic equipment can have many uses in veterinary medicine. For example, with a patient under anesthesia, an endoscope can be inserted into the mouth (to examine the esophagus, stomach, and upper intestine), nose (to examine the trachea [windpipe] and main airways), or anus (to examine the colon and lower intestine). An endoscope can be inserted through a small incision into a body cavity to permit us to examine the surface of organs, such as the liver or kidneys, or to look inside a joint, such as the knee. We can even use an endoscope to remove small objects that dogs and cats sometimes swallow or to perform biopsies of internal organs.

Endoscopy provides us with a full-color, magnified view of the area of interest. Additionally, endoscopic procedures are usually non-invasive or minimally invasive. We strive to offer our patients the highest level of medicine, and we are glad to be able to offer endoscopy as one of our diagnostic procedures.


Butler Animal Clinic, Services (8)When considering options for purchasing medication, pet owners have many choices, including online pharmacies and mail-order catalogs. But where can you truly get the best value for your money? Who can offer you the most reliable and personalized service? Who has the most complete medical information on your pets, and the ability to anticipate drug interactions or other problems that can result from inappropriately administering medication? Before you purchase your next prescription or medication refill, ask us about our fully stocked pharmacy.

You and your pet will benefit from our well-stocked pharmacy. We maintain a large inventory of veterinary pharmaceutical products and medications, including flea, tick, and heartworm preventive products. You can rely on us whether your pet requires medication for a chronic medical condition or needs short-term medication while recovering from an illness, injury, or surgery. When you purchase medications from our pharmacy, you can rest assured that your pet’s medications were obtained from safe, reliable sources and stored under optimal conditions. Our trained staff will fill your prescriptions with care as well as attention to detail and your pet’s specific needs. You can count on us to provide you with accurate information about your pet’s medications, including proper dosing information, and to alert you to any potential drug side effects or interactions. We are also here if you experience any problems with your medication after you return home. Help is only a phone call away!

If you want to be sure to get the most value for your dollars, as well as convenience and the best customer service, call us for your next prescription or medication refill. We are pleased to provide our clients with a fully stocked pharmacy, and we stand behind every product that we dispense.


Butler Animal Clinic, Services (9)Are you tired of wrestling with your pet when it’s time for a bath? Are you nervous about trimming nails? Is regular brushing becoming a chore for you and your pet? Has your pet’s hair become tangled, dirty, or matted? If you’re looking for options when it comes to grooming your pet, why not come to us for your pet’s next bath, nail trim, or haircut? We offer a convenient solution by maintaining a clean, safe, high-quality grooming facility. When it comes to keeping your pet looking like a star, let us help you! Our professional and friendly staff will take great care of your pet’s grooming needs. We understand that each pet is unique, and we will make every effort to keep your pet safe and comfortable during his or her grooming appointments. We’ll treat your pet with compassion and care while making every effort to create a look you will love! Does your pet have special needs or skin problems? Do you have special requests? We understand that it can sometimes be challenging to find a groomer who will be gentle, take good care of your pet, and give your pet the “perfect” look. We take great pride in providing the highest quality services to each pet that comes to us for a grooming appointment.


\n\tWe welcome your questions about our grooming procedures and policies and are eager to discuss how we can make your pet’s next grooming appointment as happy and stress free as possible – for both of you. If you have a young puppy or kitten, let’s get acquainted early to help ensure that your pet will be comfortable with grooming throughout his or her life!


\n\tLet us answer all your questions and put your concerns to rest. Call today to schedule your personalized grooming appointment!


Are you having problems caring for a terminally ill pet at home? Does your pet have a medical condition that is painful or causing poor quality of life? Are you afraid that your sick or elderly pet is suffering?

Saying good-bye to a beloved pet is one of the most difficult situations a pet owner will ever encounter, but trying to decide when it is time to say good-bye can be even more difficult. There are times when all the capabilities of medical science have been exhausted and euthanasia is the only way to prevent an animal from suffering needlessly. However, the decision regarding when to euthanize is fraught with medical, financial, ethical, religious, moral, and sometimes legal considerations. Euthanasia is therefore a medical procedure that needs to be discussed (however painful that discussion may be) and considered thoroughly before a final decision is made. Let us help you through this difficult time.

Our staff of compassionate, caring professionals can help you through this painful experience. We offer hospice services and will work with you to ensure your pet's comfort and dignity during his or her last days and final moments. Do you have special requests? Do you have questions about care of your pet’s remains? We can help you with these concerns and will make every effort to accommodate your wishes at this very difficult time.

Deciding when your pet may need hospice care or euthanasia is a very personal and private decision, but that doesn’t mean you have to make this difficult choice on your own. Our hospice and humane euthanasia services are conducted with respect, compassion, and care. Before you struggle through one more day with a sick, elderly, or terminally ill pet that is suffering, call us to learn how we can help.


Butler Animal Clinic, Services (10)Bringing a pet to the veterinarian’s office can be a challenge for pet owners with limited mobility, restricted transportation, or commitments at home that make outside errands and other activities difficult. Pet owners with multiple pets or very large dogs may also have difficulty bringing their pets in for examinations and other veterinary care, and some pets simply don’t do well in a traditional office setting. In our continuing efforts to offer the best veterinary care to all of our clients and their pets, we are pleased to offer house-call services to accommodate special needs.

House calls permit us to bring our highly qualified staff and medical expertise right to your home. Pets that are fearful or otherwise stressed by coming to our office can benefit from being examined in their own environment, where they are likely to feel more secure and calm. This permits us to better evaluate behavior and overall demeanor in a more relaxed and natural setting.

Very young, sick, or elderly pets or those that don’t tolerate transportation well can also benefit from our house-call services, as well as pets that don’t get along well with other animals and may become very stressed in our practice’s waiting room.

There are many reasons to consider taking advantage of our house-call services, so call today to learn if your pet might benefit from a different type of veterinary care experience. Let us know if you would like to have one of our professionals make a house call to assist you and your pet.


Although humans and animals are different in many ways, some advances in human medicine have also become very useful for veterinary patients. One of these advances, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), has proven to be a powerful diagnostic tool in veterinary medicine. As a practice, one of our key goals is to offer state-of-the-art medicine and diagnostic testing; so we are pleased to offer MRI as a means of providing a higher level of quality care to our patients.

MRI uses magnetic fields and pulses of radio waves to create a signal that generates an image on a computer. MRI can be used to evaluate many structures in the body, including bones, organs such as the liver and kidneys, and ligaments and tendons. MRI can help diagnose a variety of medical conditions in pets, including brain tumors and injuries, spinal cord problems, cruciate ligament injuries and other causes of lameness, and diseases affecting the abdominal organs. MRI is also very useful for diagnosing and staging (determining the severity of) cancer in the body.

Veterinary patients undergoing MRI must be placed under general anesthesia or sedation; however, each pet is carefully monitored during and after the procedure to ensure a safe and complete recovery.

MRI has been safely used in human diagnostic medicine for many years. In veterinary medicine, MRI is an important tool that can help us make a correct diagnosis for your pet. Our MRI service is staffed by caring, skilled professionals who will provide state-of-the-art care with compassion and expertise.

As we strive to provide our patients with the highest quality medicine and diagnostic testing, we are pleased to offer MRI as one of our diagnostic capabilities.


Butler Animal Clinic, Services (11)Each year, thousands of pets go missing, and many don’t make it back home. Many pets (especially indoor pets) don’t wear collars or tags. Even if your pet wears a collar and identification tag, collars can break off and tags can become damaged and unreadable, so these forms of identification may not be enough to ensure your pet’s safe return. Your pet needs a form of identification that is reliable and can’t get lost, stolen, or damaged. A microchip is a safe, simple form of identification that can significantly increase the chance that your pet will return safely.

A microchip is about the size and shape of a grain of rice and is placed underneath your pet's skin between the shoulder blades. Microchip implantation takes only a few minutes and is very safe. Each microchip is unique and carries vital information about your pet—including your name, address, and contact information. When a microchip is implanted, the pet owner is given a registration form to complete. Registering the number on the microchip includes your pet in a national pet recovery database. Veterinary hospitals, animal shelters, and animal control offices across the country are equipped with special electronic scanners that can detect the microchip and read the identification number. If a lost pet is picked up by animal control or found by a good Samaritan and presented to a veterinarian, a quick scan of the microchip reveals the identification number. A toll-free phone call to the pet recovery database alerts the microchip company that a lost pet has been identified. The pet owner can then be contacted and reunited with his or her pet!

Young puppies and kittens can receive microchips, but even if your pet is already an adult, you should consider microchipping. Even indoor pets can get outside accidentally and get lost, so if you’re relying on other forms of identification, you could be placing your pet at risk. Microchipping is a safe, effective way to help ensure your pet’s return if the unthinkable happens.

Ask us about microchipping your pet today!


Butler Animal Clinic, Services (12)From the very first day you bring a new pet home through the final days of its life, nutrition plays a critical role in your pet’s overall health and well-being. Many pet owners take nutrition for granted, in part because the availability of so many nutritionally complete commercial diets has taken much of the guesswork out of choosing a suitable diet for a pet. However, did you know that your pet’s nutritional needs change with age and activity level? Did you know that specially formulated diets can assist in the management of various medical conditions, including kidney disease, diabetes, arthritis, and heart disease? Do you know how many calories your pet should have each day and whether you are over- or underfeeding? Are you comfortable reading and interpreting pet food labels?

Whether your pet has special dietary needs or simply needs to shed (or gain) a few pounds, our nutritional counseling services can help you accomplish your goals and keep your pet in good health. We offer counseling in dietary selection and feeding practices for pets during various life stages, such as growth, pregnancy, nursing, and the “golden years.” If your pet has a medical condition, we can help you select the most appropriate diet to suit your pet’s needs.

It can be easy for a pet owner to become overwhelmed by the available selection of pet foods, all of which claim to have specific benefits for pets. We can offer expert advice to help you negotiate the complicated array of choices. Let our nutritional counseling service help you achieve and maintain optimal nutrition for your pet.


The practice of high-quality veterinary medicine focuses on the entire patient – from medical issues that affect physical functioning, to emotional and psychological issues that affect well-being. Experiencing pain can affect the body’s physical functioning and can have a detrimental effect on a patient’s well-being and state of mind. That’s why pain management is among our primary considerations when we are treating a pet for any medical condition.

Our approach to pain management involves anticipating potentially painful procedures and taking steps to manage pain from the outset as well as continuing to manage pain throughout your pet’s treatment and recovery process. Did you know that various types of pain can look different in animals? For example, a dog with chronic arthritis may exhibit very subtle signs of pain that can go unnoticed unless you know what to look for. Fortunately, our staff of compassionate, caring professionals is skilled in recognizing signs of pain in animals and developing an individualized plan for managing pain in our patients.

From routine procedures (such as a spays or dental cleanings), to more advanced medical treatments (such as bone surgeries or cancer treatments), to chronically painful conditions (such as arthritis or back pain), we are dedicated to providing safe and effective pain management to every patient. We will also help you recognize signs of pain in your pet so that we can modify his or her pain management plan when necessary.

Recognizing and alleviating pain in our patients is at the very heart of quality, compassionate patient care. We don’t take pain management for granted and will employ all our skills to help ensure your pet’s comfort, well-being, and full recovery.


Butler Animal Clinic, Services (13)There was a time when parasites like fleas, ticks, and roundworms were considered mostly a nuisance. Now, however, we know that parasites can cause serious illness and even death in pets. For example, ticks can transmit infections like Lyme disease, and fleas can transmit tapeworms and Bartonella – the bacteria that causes “cat-scratch fever” in humans. Another type of parasite, called a heartworm, is transmitted by mosquitoes. Heartworms live in your pet’s lungs and heart, causing damage to these organs, and sometimes even death. Intestinal parasites, like roundworms and hookworms, also threaten pets and are even transmissible to humans.

You may not always be able to tell if your pet has parasites. Fleas can hide under your pet’s fur, and some ticks are very tiny (only the size of a pinhead), so they are very difficult to find. Intestinal parasites like roundworms can cause diarrhea and other problems, but many infected pets don’t show any signs of illness at all.

Fortunately, we can recommend tests to tell if your pet has parasites. We can also examine your pet for evidence of fleas, ticks, or other parasites. Our expert staff can recommend medications to help control fleas, ticks, heartworms, and intestinal parasites. Preventing parasites in your pets also helps protect children and other family members, so let’s work together to protect your pets and family.

Veterinary examinations and parasite testing are important ways to protect your pet’s health. Let our knowledgeable staff provide you with a comprehensive parasite control program. We can recommend a schedule for parasite testing, discuss what signs of parasites you can look for at home, review ways to control parasites in and around your home, discuss treatment options if your pet has parasites, and recommend ways to control and prevent parasites in the future.

Parasites are not just a nuisance. They can carry serious diseases that affect your pet’s overall health and longevity. Let us help you protect your pet. Call today to find out how!


Butler Animal Clinic, Services (14)Do you have a new puppy or kitten? Congratulations on this addition to your family! One of the first things you should do when you bring your new pet home is to introduce him or her to us – your veterinary care team. Puppy and kitten visits offer a unique opportunity to get you and your new pet off on the right foot!

Your puppy or kitten visit will include a full “nose-to-tail” physical examination. We will look for any signs of illness and make sure that your new pet is in good health.

Do you have questions about nutrition, training, vaccinations, grooming, parasite protection, or overall health? What about tips for introducing your new pet to other pets and family members? Even if you are a very experienced pet owner and have had puppies or kittens before, each pet is unique and offers an opportunity to learn something new! We welcome your questions and look forward to addressing any concerns you may have. The more educated you are about your pet, the better you will be able to care for him or her, so we strive to offer you all the support you need.

Puppy and kitten wellness visits also present an opportunity to discuss your new pet’s recommended vaccine schedule and the best plan for parasite testing, treatment, and prevention. Our doctors and other staff members are well-educated about veterinary vaccines and parasite control, and our goal is to give you the best advice for your puppy or kitten. We will review your pet’s vaccine and deworming schedule and discuss the best way to continue, so don’t forget to bring any records that you have received.

We will work hard to help you understand your pet’s health considerations, and we encourage you to be involved in decisions regarding your puppy’s or kitten’s health care. Puppy and kitten visits are an excellent way to get your new pet started on the road to a happy and healthy life. Let’s take these important first steps together.

Please call today to schedule an appointment for us to meet your new pet!


Butler Animal Clinic, Services (15)Rabbits, guinea pigs, ferrets, and other small mammals have become popular pets as increasing numbers of pet owners come to understand the unique bond that can form with one of these special creatures. But did you know that small mammals need some of the same routine wellness care that dogs and cats need? Do you know if your pet should be spayed or neutered? Do you know if any vaccinations are recommended to help maintain good health? Do you have questions about proper nutrition, cage cleaning, grooming, or any other aspects of care and husbandry? Our staff of skilled professionals is well trained in the care and husbandry of small mammals and can give you the information you need to keep your “pocket pet” looking and feeling great.

Why not call to schedule a wellness visit? We can perform a physical examination, answer any questions you may have about your pet, and discuss whether any changes in diet or at-home care are recommended to help ensure the health and longevity of your pet.

Veterinary medicine for exotic pets is growing as the popularity of these animals increases. When pet owners have access to the best information about nutritional and environmental management, exotic pets have a greater chance to live longer, healthier lives. If you own one of these unique pets, we encourage you to schedule a complete physical exam and consultation on proper care and feeding. Our trained staff can assist you with all of your small mammal needs.


Butler Animal Clinic, Services (16)Radiography is a valuable diagnostic tool in veterinary medicine. As we continually strive to offer the highest quality medicine and diagnostic testing, we are pleased to offer radiology services as a means of providing excellent care to our patients.

A radiograph (sometimes called an x-ray) is a type of photograph that can look inside the body and reveal information that may not be discernable from the outside. Radiography can be used to evaluate almost any organ in the body, including the heart, lungs, and abdominal organs, as well as the bones.

Radiography is painless, safe, and completely non-invasive, and it uses only very low doses of radiation. Because the level of radiation exposure needed to perform radiography is very low, even pregnant females and very young pets can undergo radiography. Radiographs can be used to evaluate bones as well as the size, shape, and position of many of the body’s organs. The size of organs is important because some medical conditions—such as kidney, heart, or liver disease—can alter the size of these organs. The shape and position of organs can be altered or distorted by certain medical conditions, including intestinal blockage or cancer. Tumors, depending on their size and location, can also sometimes be detected using radiography. Radiography can also be used to diagnose bladder stones, broken bones, chronic arthritis, certain spinal cord diseases, and a variety of other conditions.

Radiographs are an important tool that can help us make a correct diagnosis for your pet. Our radiology service is staffed by caring, skilled professionals who will provide state-of-the-art care with compassion and expertise.


Butler Animal Clinic, Services (17)Snakes, iguanas, turtles, and other reptiles are becoming increasingly popular as pets. Certain reptiles can live long, healthy lives as pets, but proper nutrition, care, and husbandry are essential. This means that pet owners need the most accurate and reliable information available to help ensure the health and well-being of their pet. For example, do you know the best things to feed your reptile, and how often? Do you know how much UV light is optimal, and which type? Should you get a heat rock? Do you know how to tell if your reptile is sick? Do you have questions about proper cage cleaning or any other aspects of care and husbandry? Our staff of skilled professionals is well trained in the care and husbandry of reptiles and can give you the information you need to keep your exotic pet looking and feeling great.

Why not call to schedule a wellness visit? We can perform a physical examination, answer any questions you may have about your pet, and discuss whether any changes in diet or at-home care are recommended to help ensure your pet’s health and longevity.

Veterinary medicine for exotic pets is growing as the popularity of these animals increases. When pet owners have access to the best information about nutritional and environmental management, exotic pets have a greater chance to live longer, healthier lives. If you own one of these unique pets, we encourage you to schedule a complete physical exam and consultation on proper care and feeding. Our trained staff can assist you with all of your reptile needs.


Butler Animal Clinic, Services (18)Did you know that pets age faster than people and can be considered “seniors” at around 7 years of age? Just as our health care needs change as we age, your pet’s health care needs also change. Nutritional needs, exercise habits, and many aspects of your pet’s daily routine can change as your pet ages. But how can you tell the difference between “normal” aging and a medical problem? As in humans, some health issues that affect older pets can begin with very subtle changes that may go unnoticed until the problem has become serious.

Regular wellness visits are important for every stage of your pet’s life, so don’t forget to keep your senior pet’s scheduled wellness appointments. The best way to help protect your pet as he or she ages is to understand the aging process in pets. We understand that process and can help you help your pet. Even if your senior pet is already being treated for a medical condition, treatment recommendations can change as a condition progresses. Sometimes medication dosages need to be adjusted, or medication may need to be changed. Routine wellness blood work and other routine diagnostic testing are important for senior pets because these tests allow us to evaluate how your pet’s health is either responding to current management strategies or changing with age.

Your senior pet’s wellness examination is also your chance to have us address any of your questions or concerns about your pet. We welcome your questions and encourage you to be involved in decisions regarding your pet’s health care.

Older pets make wonderful companions, and thanks to advances in veterinary medicine, pets are living longer than ever! You are an important ally in your senior pet’s health care. We are here to help ensure that your pet is safe and happy throughout the “golden years.”


Butler Animal Clinic, Services (19)In our continuing efforts to offer the highest quality veterinary medicine, we are pleased to provide a wide range of surgical services for our patients. From routine surgical procedures, such as spaying and neutering, to more complex surgeries, we look forward to the opportunity to care for your pet’s surgical needs.

Our staff is highly skilled in performing veterinary surgeries and will make every effort to ensure that your pet receives the very best care. Our focus on patient safety, pain management, and employing the most current surgical practices is designed to exceed your expectations and put your concerns to rest. Our staff of compassionate, caring professionals will monitor your pet before, during, and after surgery and will take exceptional care to ensure a safe and complete recovery for your pet. We will also address any questions or concerns you may have about surgery, including concerns about anesthesia, pain management, or postoperative care.

When your pet is ready to go home, we will review your postoperative care and medication instructions. If any questions arise after your pet returns home or at any other time during the postoperative period, call us. We welcome your questions and will do all we can to help your pet recover fully. Help is only a phone call away.

Surgery can be a source of anxiety and stress for many pet owners. Maybe you worry about whether your pet will be well cared for, or perhaps you have concerns about adequate precautions and monitoring. Let us address your concerns. Whether your pet needs minor surgery or a complex procedure, call us. Let’s discuss how our surgical services can benefit your pet.


Butler Animal Clinic, Services (20)Although humans and animals are different in many ways, some advances in human medicine are also very useful for veterinary patients. One of these advances, diagnostic ultrasound, has proven to be a powerful tool in veterinary medicine. As a practice, one of our goals is to offer state-of-the-art medicine and diagnostic testing; so we are pleased to offer ultrasound services as a means of providing a higher level of quality care to our patients.

Ultrasonography is a type of diagnostic technique that uses ultrasound waves to produce an imaging study. This means that when we perform ultrasonography, we can see internal images of the patient’s body. Unlike some other imaging studies, like x-rays, ultrasonography does not use radiation. Instead, ultrasonography uses high-frequency sound (ultrasound) waves to create a picture of what is inside your pet’s body. Ultrasonography is a completely non-invasive, painless way to diagnose and evaluate many common diseases.

An ultrasound machine generates ultrasound waves. The machine is connected to a small probe that is held gently against your pet’s skin. The probe sends out painless ultrasound waves that bounce off of structures (for example, organs) in your pet’s body and return to a sensor inside the ultrasound machine. The ultrasound equipment collects these reflected “echoes” and uses them to generate images that are viewable on a screen. Ultrasound waves can generate excellent images of abdominal organs, including the liver, spleen, gallbladder, and kidneys. It is also useful for assessing fetal health and monitoring pregnancy in breeding animals, and it can help us diagnose and stage (determine the severity of) some forms of cancer.

Because ultrasound images are produced in real time, this technology can be used to evaluate the heart as it beats. This can help us detect abnormalities in the motion of heart valves, blood flow through the heart, and contractions of the heart muscle. It can also be used to assess the heart for defects. As we strive to provide our patients with the highest quality medicine and diagnostic testing, we are pleased to offer ultrasound as one of our diagnostic capabilities.


Butler Animal Clinic, Services (21)Pets today can live longer, healthier lives than ever before—in part because of vaccines that help protect them from deadly infectious diseases. Over the years, vaccines against dangerous diseases have saved millions of pets and virtually eliminated some fatal diseases that were once common. Unfortunately, many infectious diseases still pose a significant threat to dogs and cats that are unvaccinated. Although vaccine programs have been highly successful and vaccines are considered routine today, we (as caregivers) and you (as pet parents) cannot afford to become complacent about keeping pets up-to-date on their vaccinations.

Many vaccines are available for use in dogs and cats, but not every pet needs every available vaccine. Some vaccines are considered core vaccines and should be administered to all pets, whereas other vaccines are optional and may be recommended for pets based on a variety of factors, such as their risk for exposure to disease. Vaccine recommendations can also change throughout a pet’s life, as travel habits and other variables change. We will consider all these factors as we determine which vaccines your pet should have.

We understand that your pet is unique and that no single vaccine program will be ideal for every pet in every situation. Our doctors and other staff members are well-educated about veterinary vaccines, and our goal is to give you the best advice for keeping your pet healthy. Let us develop a vaccination schedule and ongoing booster routine that accounts for your pet’s lifestyle, overall health, risk for exposure to infectious disease, and other factors.

Vaccines help pets live longer, healthier lives. Protecting your pet is our primary goal, so developing an appropriate vaccine schedule for your pet is important to us. Call us today to set up an appointment to discuss your pet’s vaccination needs.


Butler Animal Clinic, Services (22)Your pet can benefit greatly from regular wellness examinations or checkups. Whether your pet is a youngster, a “senior citizen,” or any age in between, wellness examinations provide an excellent opportunity for us to conduct a thorough physical examination and develop a health profile for your pet. This information will help us identify medical problems and any other issues that can affect your pet’s health and quality of life.

A wellness examination includes an evaluation of all of your pet’s major organ systems. We’ll use the wellness visit to ask you questions about your pet’s behavior, appetite, exercise habits, and regular activities at home. This is also an excellent time for us to discuss any routine diagnostic testing that may benefit your pet or to recommend any vaccinations that may be due. If your pet seems healthy, a wellness examination is a good opportunity to note any changes, such as weight gain or loss or other subtle changes that may not be evident at home. Sometimes, information obtained during a wellness examination can help detect early signs of illness and address health issues before they progress.

A wellness examination is also your chance to have us address your questions or concerns about your pet. We welcome your questions. No question is too small or too silly, and it is our pleasure to address your concerns. We strive to help you understand your pet’s health considerations, and we encourage you to be involved in decisions regarding your pet’s health care.

Finally, wellness examinations help us establish a relationship with you and your pet. Through your pet’s physical examinations, other wellness procedures, and our consultations with you, we get to know your pet and learn about his or her lifestyle, personality, health risks, home environment, and other important information. We encourage you to use wellness examinations to take an active role in your pet’s health care.


Butler Animal Clinic, Services (2024)


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